Latest Target appeal Haul! (The COVID-19 Edition)


Someday, folks will tell tales of a time when going to Target was, like…fun. They’ll gather around campfires, and I’ll tell the story of how the newborn cowolf and I would go to Target every day to stretch our legs, get out in the world and see people. There were so lots of “hellos!” from smiling strangers ? on those trips. So lots of kisses blown to the baby. ?

Yeah…none of that happened on my last visit.


I left the store shaking. I saw so much rudeness and uncool behavior inside, like people pulling off their masks while shopping, others darting in front of people to get hold of products from shelves, and people barking at employees for trying to enforce the 6-foot radius. often I wonder if we’ll ever go back to life as we knew it, and how different will the next new normal be? will we need annual vaccines? will children on playgrounds two years from now still be wearing masks?

I find myself wondering why, back in the day (two months ago), I never realized how sweet and carefree it was to just wander around a store…

A few good things did result from my last Target “adventure,” like, I was finally able to pick up some staples we’ve been out of (hello, Banza gluten-free pasta! have we talked about this delicious stuff yet?), and I was also able to browse appeal products in person for the first time in a looooong time.


Кошки и макияж Толстовка ??

$ 42.

Магазин сейчас

First thing I grabbed was a bottle of Aveeno anxiety relief lotion to opt for my anxiety relief Body Wash…

Although, at this point in the quarantine, you’ll probably need to dip me in a vat of this stuff and leave me there for a few weeks to even marginally decrease my anxiety level, ha ha ha!

Also, on a whim I grabbed Pantene miracle moisture improve with rose Water Shampoo and Conditioner, partly because I liked the rosy scent, and partly because I’ve been wanting a dedicated shampoo-and-conditioner set for frizzy hair. a lot more and a lot more of my grays are coming through every day, and they look like rebellious ramen noodles! Anywho, there’s a boxed set that comes with both the shampoo and conditioner for $12.99, which saves a buck over getting them separately.

I’ve used them twice and so and absolutely love ’em. My hair looks smoother, and it doesn’t feel weighed down. and I like these enough to want to try some other things from the line, like the silicone-free shampoo and conditioner.

Let’s see, what else? Oh, yeah, the last industrial-sized bottle of nail polish remover on the shelf made its way into my cart, as did this package of rainbow glitter clips by Scunci…

I got it as a surprise for Coycoy. We’ve been experimenting with different hairstyles, and she loves wearing lots of clips neatly in a row.

That’s all the Target haulin’ I’ve done lately, and it may be all the Target haulin’ I do for the next month. We’ll see… Marin county just extended our shelter-in-place buy until June 1st.


Hope you’re hanging in there, my friend. sending virtual hugs. ?

Ваш дружелюбный апелляционный призыв соседства,


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